National Registration Card (NRC)
An NRC is a mandatory and foundational identification card, which serves as the primary source of proof of identification of a Zambian National and the basis upon which all other national documents are secured. It is for this reason that the NRC can only be applied for and obtained in Zambia, in person.
Zambians are encouraged to ensure that NRCs are obtained as early as possible after attaining the age of 16 years.​
A. Requirements for initial/first National Registration Card1.The applicant can only obtain an NRC in Zambia, at any Registration Centre of the Department of National Registration Passport and Citizenship (DNRPC); 2. At least one parent must be a Zambian citizen at the time of the Applicant’s birth; 3. The Applicant must be sixteen (16) years or above at the time of applying; 4. The Applicant must be accompanied by a Deponent (who must be a parent, blood relative or legal guardian); 5. The Deponent must come with their original NRC; 6. The Applicant must be in possession of a Birth Certificate (from the country where the birth occurred) or an Under-five card, Record of Birth or sworn Affidavit; 7. The Applicant must attach a copy of parent’s NRC (if available); 8. Applicants who have lived outside Zambia must show proof of being Zambian citizens by presenting travel documents, Citizenship or Naturalization Certificates for parents; and 9. The NRC photograph is taken at the DNRPC offices in Zambia. The photo must show the Applicant’s full face and both ears, without any braids, headgear or adornment.
B. Requirements for replacement of a lost NRC1. Police Report; and 2. Payment of the prescribed fee.
C. Requirements for replacement of a damaged NRC1. Damaged NRC and, 2. payment of the prescribed fee. Note: An NRC replacement, unlike a Passport, can only be obtained in person in Zambia.
E. Requirements for correction of names on the NRC1. Statutory Declaration duly signed by a Commissioner for Oaths. 2. Original National Registration Card. 3. Payment of the prescribed fee. 4. Any other proof to support the change, as the Registrar may deem fit. 6. Original NRC will be replaced with a new NRC bearing the corrected names.
D. Requirements for change of Name on the NRCEvery registered person must use the names appearing on the National Registration Card (NRC). However, the Law has provided for a procedure to be followed where the Registered Person has assumed new name(s). This procedure can only be done at the Registrar General’s office in Zambia. 1. Deed Poll (sealed by the High Court of the Republic of Zambia). The Applicant must: - Engage a lawyer to draft a Deed Poll - Submit the Deed Poll to Government Printers and any State-owned newspapers (Daily Mail or Times of Zambia) for gazetting within 21 days; and - Submit a Government Printers Certificate, Newspaper cuttings of the advert and Deed Poll to the DNRPC Head Office. 2. Original National Registration Card; 3. Payment of the prescribed fee; 4. Any other proof to support the change of the names, as the Registrar may deem fit; and 5. Original NRC will be replaced with a new NRC bearing the new names.
1. Question: Why should I notify the Zambian Mission of the death of a Zambian national even when there may be no role for the Mission to play?Answer: - Maintaining a record of deaths of Zambian nationals in the Diaspora would help curb identity theft of deceased Zambians. - This would also help the Zambian Government to maintain a correct record of its citizenry; and - In the event of repatriation of the remains, the Mission would play a facilitatory role.
3. Question: I was born in Zambia before the Births and Deaths Registration Act of 14th March, 1973. How do I acquire a Birth certificate?Answer: The provisions in the Act do not cater for persons born before 14th March 1973. However, a letter may be issued by the DNRPC Head Office to such persons, as proof of birth in Zambia. A Deponent would be required to fill in application Form M (Annex 5) and attach a copy of their NRC and that of the applicant for submission to the DNRPC.
4. Question: Why should I notify the Zambian Mission of the birth of my child, when they would not be issued with a Zambian Birth Certificate?Answer: In an event that you wish to apply for a National Document for your child such as an NRC or Passport, the proof of record of birth at the Zambian Mission would serve as evidence of your child’s Zambian ancestry.
1. Question: Who is eligible to acquire a Zambian Birth Certificate?Answer: All persons born in Zambia after 14th March, 1973 whether they are Zambian or not.
2. Question: Why is the issuance of Birth Certificates only applicable to persons born after 14th March, 1973?Answer: This is as provided for in the Births and Deaths Registration Act Chapter 51 of the Laws of Zambia, which came into effect on 14th March, 1973.
2. Question: I acquired citizenship of another country after the Constitution amendment of 5th January 2016, do I lose my Zambian Citizenship?No, you do not lose your Zambian Citizenship, but you would be required to officially notify the Passport and Citizenship Office in Zambia or the nearest Zambian Mission by completing the Notice of Acquisition of Citizenship of another country (Form VI) (Annex 5).
4. Question: I am 21 years old of a foreign citizenship but born of Zambian parents who also later acquired citizenship of another country. Do I qualify for citizenship of Zambia?A person born in or outside Zambia is a citizen of Zambia if at the time of his/her birth, one or both parents was a holder of Zambian citizenship. If such a person was a holder of either an NRC or Zambian Passport or endorsed in one of their parents’ Zambian Passport, they are eligible to apply for citizenship through <b>Bestowal. However</b>, if such a person has never been a holder of a Zambian national document, they can only obtain Zambian citizenship through the process of Registration.
3. 1. Question: Where one or both parents is a holder of Zambian citizenship and their child is below 18 years but is a holder of citizenship of another country, does such a child qualify for citizenship of Zambia?Yes, a child who is below 18 years retains their Zambian citizenship but would be required to complete the Notice of Acquisition of Citizenship of another country (Form VI) (Annex 5). <b>Note:</b> A person above 18 years of age of Zambian parents (one or both) can only claim for Zambia citizenship through Bestowal, if they previously held Zambian national documents (NRC, Passport or endorsement in parent’s Passport) or through the process of Registration, if they never held any Zambian documents.
1. Question: I lost my Zambian Citizenship before the Constitution amendment of 5th January 2016. Do I automatically retain the Citizenship of Zambia?No, it is not automatic but for as long as you were a holder of Zambian national documents (NRC, Passport or endorsement of parent’s Passport), you would be required to apply for your Zambian Citizenship through the Bestowal process.
6. Question: Do my children automatically become Zambian citizens after I obtain my Bestowal of Citizenship?A. If at the time of your child’s birth, neither of you as parents held Zambian citizenship, the child does not automatically become Zambian but would need to apply for citizenship by Registration at the age of 18 years. B. If at the time of your child’s birth, at least one parent held Zambian citizenship, the child (below the age of 18 years) is eligible to claim citizenship of Zambia by completing Notice of Acquisition of Citizenship of another country (Form VI).
5. Question: I am 19 years old, and my parents acquired citizenship of another country before my birth. Am I able to claim citizenship of Zambia?No, because <b>at the time of your birth</b>, both of your parents had ceased to be citizens of Zambia. Therefore, if you wish to become a citizen of Zambia, you would be required to apply for citizenship through the process of <b>Registration</b>.
2. Question: Why do I need a green NRC?Because a green NRC is a mandatory primary source of proof of identification of a Zambian national.
1. Question: At what age is a green NRC acquired?16 years and above.
4. Question: If I don’t have a police report from the foreign country where I lost the NRC, what do I do?You can obtain a police report from any Police Station within Zambia.
5. Question: Can I get an NRC from any Zambian Mission abroad (Annex 2)?No. Due to the security nature of this foundational document, the Law provides for the issuance of NRCs only within Zambia.
3. Question: I am a Zambian citizen and I lost my NRC. Am I eligible to renew my Passport?Yes, provided you have a photocopy of the NRC, because it is mandatory for every Applicant to have an NRC in order to renew their Passport.
6. Question: I am 35 years old and have lived outside Zambia since the age of 14 years, and I want to apply for an NRC, what documents do I need to attach to my application?For as long as you have not obtained citizenship of another country, you may be issued with an NRC but you would need to attach the following documents: i. Copy of foreign Residence Permit; ii. Original NRC of accompanying deponent; iii. Copy of parent’s NRC (if available); and iv. Copy of either birth certificate, Under-five Clinic Card or Sworn Affidavit.
7. Question: Can I have my supporting documents certified by any qualified Commissioner for Oaths?Answer: No. All supporting documents must be certified by the designated official at the nearest Zambian Mission.
6. Question: Why do I need to complete an Application Form when renewing my Passport?Answer: Completing the Form is important as personal information or particulars may have changed at the time of making the renewal application such as marital status, place of residence, physical appearance etc.
5. Question: Why do Passport applications take long to process?Answer: The actual processing time is 14 working days from the date of receipt of the Application at the Passport Office, which endeavours as much as possible to prioritise the issuance of Passports for Zambians in the Diaspora. However, delays may occur if all requirements are not met in full.
3. Question: Should the Recommender at the Zambian Mission have known me for at least two years?Answer: Not necessarily, but the applicant must be known either by any other member of staff of the Mission or by any of the registered Zambian communities within that country. It is for this reason that Zambians are encouraged to register with the Missions.
1. Question: Can I apply for a Zambian Passport without a Birth Certificate?Answer: Yes, you can, however, an Affidavit of Birth must be submitted in place of the Birth Certificate.
2. Question: Can I attach copies of my previous Zambian Passport or TDI to my application for a new Passport?Answer. Yes, if in possession, and together with all other required documents. In the case of a TDI, you would be required to attach the original TDI to the application for a new Passport.
4. Question: If I have lost my passport but I want to travel to Zambia urgently, what should I do?Answer: Present a police report to the nearest Zambian Mission in order to be issued with a one-way Travel Document of Identity (TDI) to enable you travel to Zambia. You will be charged an applicable penalty fee, in addition to the prescribed. fee, depending on which document you have lost.