From 9am to a little over 6pm, over 40 people gathered online and in person at the Victoria Hotel in Melbourne for the first ever Zambians in Australia and New Zealand (ZANZ) Conference. This was followed by a lively dinner where the socialising, networking and some reminiscing continued.
New friendships were made, new business relations created and a lot was learnt and shared. From a strong message of Government's commitment towards the Diaspora from our Guest of Honour HE Dr Elias Munshya, to pearls of wisdom from our keynote speaker Mr Fred Alale OM, to eye opening concepts on Mental Health (and business) from Nelly Kalizinje and Nasalifya Namwinga, to sage advice on property investments and other business opportunities, the conference was nothing short of engaging and insightful.
It was also a great opportunity for some Zambian run businesses to showcase what they have to offer.
For an inaugural conference and all the challenges experienced in bringing it to fruition, it exceeded the organisers expectations. And there is already a lot of excitement and eagerness for the next one; and plans are already underway.